Thursday, September 25, 2008


A wee bit of press for PDW accompanied by both positive and negative comments. You'll notice a couple inaccuracies... like that I'm married.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mount Hood

Kathryn and I did a little hiking and camping last weekend on the northeast side of Mount Hood. The Cooper Spur Trail takes you up to 8,500 feet, at which point it's time to break out the ice axe, climbing ropes, helmet, and crampons if you want to go any further. We didn't go any further.

Almost above the treeline:

Some changing leaves:

Starting to hit some snow. You can see Rainier, Mount Saint Helens, and Adams once you get up above the treeline but unfortunately I didn't get any good photos.

"Near" the top, but still 3,000 vertical feet from the summit:

Elliot Glacier:

Up to 8,000 ft on this ridge:

View from the base of the mountain:


The French press is an essential piece of camping gear:

On the recommendation of my friend Craig we stopped by Multnomah Falls on the way back to Portland. Here is a shot of the main attraction but there are numerous spectacular falls in the area if you hike in a mile or two:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The local Goodwill had these posters up everywhere when I stopped by today. Pretty awesome Carl Weathers costume, not to mention the guy-in-wheelchair costume. I'm inspired. Maybe I'll go as Carl Weathers in a wheelchair this year.

Pack is Back

Our home is ESPNless, so when the Packers are going to dominate on Monday Night Football it's essential that I find a tavern showing the game with clientele rooting for the green and gold. After a tip from a friend and a little research on the internets I decided on George's Corner Sports bar (despite its location in questionable neighborhood.)

All said and done George's turned out to be a decent place to watch the game. There were plenty of folks in Packers shirts, many of whom I suspect spend a lot of their time at old George's. The gentleman sitting to my left was cut off around 5:30pm after passing out on the bar. The (homeless?) fellow to my right bummed a quarter so he could step to a second $1.25 pint of PBR.

Here is a short photo tour:

The windows have a metal mesh cage over them, but just in case someone brings a Dremel tool to try and saw through the steel mesh there are also 3/4" bars reinforcing the mesh. But what, you may ask, if someone uses a hacksaw to get through the metal bars? Not to fear, there is a SECOND set of steel bars that sits a few inches out from the first set.

In the background you can see that PBR is normally $1.75 a pint and $6.50 a pitcher. On game days that drops to $1.25 and $5. Not too shabby.

This old timer was a real big Hamm's fan. No love for draft beer.

I wish the shot had turned out more clearly, but the sign says "During pregnancy refrain from alcohol including wine, coolers and beer." Seriously people, if you're pregnant you gotta lay off the coolers.

The tv on the left isn't showing the game, it is a surveilance camera trained on the parking lot so you can keep an eye on your wheels.

The game was over by 7:30 as we're a little behind here on the west coast. That worked out pretty well because our old neighbors in Madison were in town resting after having hiked 75 miles of the Pacific Crest trail. We had some beers with them until they were even more bleary-eyed than the trail had made them over the last week. Kathryn and I are going to have to get out of town and take in some of that trail before the weather turns on us in a couple months.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Kathryn got a job as a law clerk at a firm here in Portland. Hooray!

They have a private chef there named "Javier" who prepares lunch for everyone at the firm. Fucking lawyers.

I imagine Javier looks something like this:

But Javier has nothing on the greatest chef of all time:


This image will be on a forthcoming organic cotton t-shirt from my very own business. Badass, no?

Lawns, or lack thereof

This is a picture of the six backyards I can see from the window of my office. People don't really do much lawn cutting around my neighborhood. I can get behind that.